Athlete Highlight: Awesome MTB

Get to know Tailwind athletes Mo & Hannah from Awesome MTB; they travel the country (and world) creating mountain bike content and riding pretty much anything and everything! 

When did you discover your love of bikes?

Mo: I grew up always riding bikes with my dad. It wasn't mountain biking and the bikes were from Target. I actually didn't really know that bikes could also be bought in bike shops till a little late in life. My dad and I would ride on the bike paths, and that was where I first realized I like bikes! Later on when I moved to Irvine for college I discovered mountain biking and have been hooked ever since! The bikes also got substantially more expensive after that lol. 

Hannah: I was pretty fortunate that both my parents rode bikes so I grew up with it! I didn't fall in love with the sport until I started cross country racing in high school with the SoCal High School Cycling League! I fell further in love with them when Mo introduced me to the wonders of having rear suspension lol!

How did you guys meet?

Mo: We first met working in a bike shop and then reconnected a few years after that. After hanging out for a while after that Hannah ended up moving into my van ( a much smaller one than we currently have) and the rest is history! 

Whose idea was it to live in a van and how long has it been?

Hannah: A year before Mo and I reconnected Mo had just graduated college and bought a van. The van was a small Nissan cargo van and he did some extended trips living out of it, he went to Whistler for a couple of months, Moab, Santa Cruz, etc. When we started to talk again he had just started living out of it! Things moved pretty quickly between Mo and I and somehow I found myself living out of it too all in just 1 month into dating! Fast forward 3 years to now, we have since upgraded to a high roof sprinter and are now looking for something even bigger!

What are some of your favorite places to visit and ride? (Durango better be one of them.. seriously you guys need to come back!)

Mo: Durango obviously!!! Durango was awesome for sure. Some other favorites are Squamish and Whistler in BC, Sedona in Arizona, Downieville in California, Park City in Utah, and a few more! It is always a tough question because there are so many awesome places that all have their own pro's, like Truckee and the awesome docks at Donner Lake or Moab and the epic, by-donation vegan food truck!

Hannah: I hate this question!!! We get asked this a lot and it's so hard to pick favorites! Obviously, Durango is up there but probably BC, I am especially longing to get back now since we couldn't go this year! 

How did you first discover Tailwind?

Hannah: We discovered Tailwind at Sedona MTB Festival! We stole a bunch of free samples and became addicts! I can't go on rides without it now!

How has it helped in your athletic endeavors? 

Mo: Rebuild Recovery is really game changing. We ride a lot - I try to get out twice a day almost every day and Rebuild really helps with recovery times! And Endurance Fuel is awesome in allowing me to not worry about bringing food with me; I just drink and the calories are there! And if I need a little boost I can use a caffeine flavor (I'm a caffeine junkie). 

Hannah: How has it not? I haven't bonked once since I've started using it and my energy through long rides has been night and day better. In the past, I had a hard time eating during rides but Tailwind is easy, it's so light on my stomach and tastes amazing! 

Rapid Fire Questions

Favorite Tailwind flavor

Hannah: ColoRADo Cola Endurance Fuel!!!

Mo: Chocolate Rebuild Recovery!!!

Do you have any nicknames?

Hannah: The kook!

Mo: Mo Awesome

Besides MTBing, gravel biking, what else do you like to do in your spare time?

Hannah: Umm shopping!!

Mo: Teach myself Thai!

On average how many hours of sleep do you get a night?

Hannah: Not enough haha

Mo: 6 hours is my sweet spot!

If you could create any flavor of Tailwind (Rebuild or Endurance Fuel), what would it be?

Hannah: Horchata Rebuild PLEASE

Mo: Dark Chocolate Mocha Rebuild!

When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?

Hannah: An astronaut and then I grew up!

Mo: In the NBA, didn't work out lol

Keep Up with Mo & Hannah

If you are looking to gain new mountain bike skills, learn about new trails and get the downlow on all the MTB festivals, you need to follow Mo & Hannah on their Awesome MTB channels. You can find their YouTube channel here, or follow along on Mo and Hannah’s Instagram pages.

1 comment

Definitely an interesting post!

Blair Smith

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